gamma ltd engine displacer cylinder pressure

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Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:27 pm
First Name: walter
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gamma ltd engine displacer cylinder pressure

Post by walterdzalewski »

Hello; I need to know if the displacer cylinder is totally air
tight? in other words if i were to turn the engine up side down
would the displacer fall freely or would it stall? this is without
any heat source.
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Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2002 6:01 pm
First Name: William S.
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gamma ltd engine displacer cylinder pressure

Post by stan.hornbaker »

The pressure in the entire LTD Gamma Stirling engine is nearly atmospheric. The displacer and piston are linked together so that neither one can 'free fall.' The engine must be almost leak tight except for a very small amount of leakage at the packing gland and/or around the piston in the cylinder.
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