Around the World by Stirling Engine Book


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This book is a good overview book on Stirling engines. It not only explains how Stirling engines work, it also covers all the current power producing uses of Stirling engines along with how to contact the people who build them.

You can read the complete table of contents at the bottom of this section. This book covers everything from Stirling engines in military submarines, to a Stirling engine that powers the rotisserie for an Oklahoma mechanic’s barbecue.

“Stirling Engines Today – A Guide to Power-producing Stirling Engines and Who Is Building Them” is written by American Stirling Company president Brent H. Van Arsdell. Mr. Van Arsdell is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in aeronautical and astronautical engineering. He recently wrote the section on Stirling engines in the three volume Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy. He has been featured on MSNBC as well as in the Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, CBS.COM the History Channel, and the New York Times.

Order “Around the World by Stirling Engine” by clicking on the order tab above. This soft cover book is 136 pages long and measures 5.5″ wide x 8″ tall (13.97 x 21.59 cm).

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Understand Stirling Engines in Ten Minutes or Less. Read a sample in .pdf format.
Chapter 2 If Stirling Engines Are so Great, Why Don’t I Have One in My Car?
Chapter 3 The Most Dangerous Thing in the Ocean
Chapter 4 The Ultimate Yacht– A Stirling Powered Luxury Submarine
Chapter 5 How Stirling Engines Silently Keep the Drinks Cold and the Guests Warm
Chapter 6 Turning Sunshine into Power in Las Vegas
Chapter 7 A Stirling Engine that Women Are Guaranteed to Want
Chapter 8 Cut the Cord to Your Power Company
Chapter 9 A Stirling Engine that Can Run on Corn Oil or Cow Chips
Chapter 10 The Mountain Man’s 2.5 hp Stirling Engine. Read a sample in .pdf format.
Chapter 11 A Stirling Powered Rotisserie — the Chicken Flinger
Chapter 12 How to Clean up the World’s Ten Most Polluted Cities
Chapter 13 The Top Five Modern Uses for Stirling Engines
Chapter 14 Stirling Engines — from Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy

"Around the World by Stirling Engine" provides a survey of the state of SE's and their application from a practical stand point. It is an 'easy read' providing for a better understanding of the relationship between model engines or toys and the power producing machines for the real world. Ten contemporary SE applications are described in an informative and interesting interview style. Five principal areas of application of SE's are identified for the modern world. I would highly recommended that everyone interested in Stirling Engines have a copy in their library. A serious student will also want to read "Air Engines" for some history, science, and reality in regard to SE's. s/Stan
Around the World by Stirling Engine is a good introduction to the possibilities and principles of an environmental friendly way to produce power. A noiseless engine to push a boat or to produce electricity, or cool a fridge, sounds like a utopia for those of us who grow up in a noisy and polluted world. Brent Van Arsdell has really triggered my interest for this "perfect engine", and the book should be obligatory at lower and higher technical schools and universities, and for everybody else interested the techincal applications in an environmental friendly way. Regards from Nils Reither, DVM, Norway.
This book is a good overview of how Stirling engines are used today. It is very informative. (I shared the book with a friend in Scandanavia who now calls me every three days to ask more questions and share ideas!)
Excellent book! I've been doing research on Stilring engines. (Note: He is researching how to build a house that is off the grid. Way to go, Robert!--The Editor.)
This book is awesome! I liked the history of the engine and the modern applications. --John Heylin, Seattle, WA

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